Biotechnology and health

      Human Breast Milk: From Food to Active Immune Response with Disease Protection in Infants and Mothers

      Human breast milk not only nourishes infants but also actively protects them against diseases. This study explores how various components in breast milk contribute to the immune health of both babies and their mothers.

      December 9, 2024
      A mother breastfeeding her baby


      Biotechnology and health

      Genetic screening

      What Genomics-Based Newborn Screening Means for Families

      Unlocking the future of infant health through advanced newborn screening, and what it means for parents.

      Supplements in pregnancy

      Assessing the Safety and Efficacy of Nutritional Supplements During Pregnancy

      A comprehensive review highlights key findings and evidence-based recommendations to support maternal and fetal health.

      infant playing with toys

      Playtime Matters: How Toy Selection Shapes Infant Development

      Insights from a study reveal how the number and type of toys can influence mother-infant interaction and joint attention, critical components of early childhood development.

      Doula Care and Policy: Shaping the Future of Maternal Health in the U.S.

      A scoping review illuminates the challenges and opportunities of integrating doula care into state-level Medicaid programs.

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